Nasal flu immunisation 03/10/2023
The School Immunisation Team will be visiting the school on 3rd October 2023 to administer the annual nasal flu immunisations to children in Years Reception, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.
The vaccine is delivered in the form of a nasal spray NOT via injection
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due and is recommended to help protect your child against flu. We are contacting you to make you aware that your child is now eligible for their flu vaccination. This is something that we now offer to all children from Reception to Year 6 (and children with long term health conditions that put them at greater risk from flu) as part of our winter vaccination programme. We ask that you complete our online consent form, whether you consent to your child being vaccinated or not. This allows us to monitor the uptake of vaccinations within your child’s school and the wider community. See Parentmail for details.
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