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Sandy Lane Primary School

New Phonics Scheme & Extra INSET Days

New Phonics Scheme & Additional INSET Days

In November, we asked the local DfE English Hub to audit our phonics scheme and teaching and to make recommendations to help us improve.  As a result of the audit, we concluded that our current phonics scheme was not fit for purpose and did not provide teachers and support staff with the training and resources they need. 

Consequently, we have decided to move to a new scheme - Read Write Inc (RWI).  RWI is a highly regarded scheme with a proven track record of helping children learn to read and is used in many schools in the Trust and Bracknell Forest. 

The new scheme will be fully implemented from September 2025, with a transition period during the Summer Term.  We have been granted funding from the DfE, matched by funding from the Trust, to purchase the scheme, ongoing training and the resources needed for a launch in April 2025.  We will also receive support from the Hub to implement RWI as well as improve phonics now.

Launching RWI in April 2025, ready for full implementation in September 2025, will require all members of Sandy Lane staff to receive two full days of training.  Consequently, we have added two additional INSET days - one on Tuesday 22 April 2025 and one on Thursday 10 July 2025 - to accommodate this.  One will delay the start of the Summer Term by a day to Wednesday 23 April 2025 and the other is before the existing INSET day on Friday 11 July 2025. 

The new term dates can be found here.