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Sandy Lane Primary School

Behaviour and Expectations

Our PRIDE values tell the children what we expect in terms of personal conduct and learning behaviour.  We formally teach our values through regular whole school, phase and class assemblies and the JIGSAW PSHE scheme and informally through the wider curriculum and pedagogical approach.

We have a graduated approach to promoting and managing acceptable behaviour and ensuring children are 'ready, respectful and safe'. At its heart is ensuring that the staff has a proactive approach through building relationships, having clear expectations, having predictable routines and environments, using praise and positive reinforcement to promote desired behaviour and being aware of specific needs. 

The document also provides guidance to staff on how to manage unacceptable and/or dysregulated behaviour. 

Our approach to behaviour sits alongside and interacts with our graduated approach to managing Special Educational Needs.

Our behaviour policy can be found on our school policies page.